Never see a need without doing something about it

Never see a need without doing something about it.

Democratic Principles

The VRQA Minimum Standards for School Registration includes a standard concerning the schools adherence to the Australian democratic principles and practice.

This standard is as follows:

The programs and teaching in a school must support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:

  • elected Government;
  • the rule of law;
  • equal rights for all before the law;
  • freedom of religion;
  • freedom of speech and association;
  • the values of openness and tolerance.

Borinya Wangaratta Community Partnership is committed to the principles and practice of Australian democracy in programs and teaching.

The school’s Code of Conduct is underpinned by the principles of Australian democracy, particularly

  • in the stated rights.  All members of the school community have:
  • The right to be treated with respect and the responsibility to treat others with respect
  • The right to work and learn without disruption from others and the responsibility to allow others to work and learn without disruption
  • The right to a clean, safe environment where property is respected.
  • All members are responsible in helping maintain that safe, clean environment.