Never see a need without doing something about it

Never see a need without doing something about it.

Learning and Teaching

Educational Philosophy

At the core of our educational philosophy is relationship; build the relationship, then work on building the skills.

The Curriculum of Borinya responds to the particular needs of students. We do this by developing individual learning pathways. This is achieved by:

  1. Be designed in such a way as to meet the needs of the Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) negotiated between students, families and mainstream school or referring agency at the start of enrolment. All PLPs will include Literacy, Numeracy, Electives, Physical Activity and the Arts.
  2. Consist of Modular units of Literacy, Numeracy, STEM, and the General Capabilities drawing on F-10 Curriculum levels 3 to 10. These units will be a combination of teacher-directed and student-directed course work and designed in such a way as to be taken by individual students rather than class groups.
  3. Make provision for Movement and Physical Activity each day, incorporating the skills, knowledge and understandings of that dimension of the F-10 Health and PE Learning Area.
  4. Be arranged more formally in the morning and more creatively and flexibly in the afternoon within electives program.
  5. Include vocational links with other training providers, workplaces and community service organizations.

Our Curriculum

Core Generalist:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Sustainability
  • Physical Education
  • VPC / VCAL


  • Boxing
  • VEX Robotics
  • Construction
  • Art / Creative
  • Lego
  • Outdoor Education
  • Photography/Digital Film
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • GYM
  • Golf
  • Community Engagement

Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is an inclusive Year 11 and 12 standards-based certificate that meets the needs of a smaller number of students who are not able or ready to complete the VCE (including the VCE Vocational Major).

It is designed to develop and extend pathways for young people, while providing flexibility for different cohorts. It is suitable for students whose previous schooling experience may have been disrupted for a variety of reasons, including students with additional needs, students who have missed significant periods of learning and vulnerable students at risk of disengaging from their education.

Students will gain the skills, knowledge, values and capabilities to make informed choices about pathways into a senior secondary qualification, entry level vocational education and training (VET) course or employment.

The VPC curriculum provides learning based on applied learning principles and a practical pathway into further education, employment and training. It is designed to engage students through applied learning and provides flexibility to meet an individual’s learning needs. Through participation in the VPC students will gain the necessary foundation skills to allow them to make a successful post-schooling transition.

Learning Diversity

Our Learner Diversity Coordinator assists staff to build capability in inclusive practices and differentiation of learning for all students at Borinya.

The Learner Diversity Coordinator and staff create effective personalised learning plans and implement appropriate adjustments and interventions to ensure students are able to access the curriculum.

Parent Support Group meetings are held each term to monitor and evaluate student learning and achievements using SMART goals as well as the evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the adjustments and interventions in place.

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 requires that all Australian schools support students with disability. Obligations include:

  • making reasonable adjustments which allow students with disability to participate and learn on the same basis as students without disability
  • preventing harassment and victimisation of students with disability
  • consult regularly with students with disability and their parents and caregivers to develop reasonable adjustments and address concerns as they arise.

VPC Cafe

VPC Cafe is a social enterprise run by the VPC students.

It began in 2018 as a project to develop employment skills and work-related capabilities in our students. A social enterprise is a business that is created to tackle social problems and improve communities. The VPC Café donates all profits towards a social cause that is researched and selected by the VPC students. Some examples from previous groups include NESAY, Wangaratta Night Shelter and Centre against Violence.

Borinya is lucky to have a commercial kitchen, which enhances the VCP Cafe to have a restaurant environment, the students have roles similar to a restaurant, such as waiting tables, barista skills, kitchen hand and customer service. Customers include students, staff and invited guests it is a alcarte restaurant, serving main meals and deserts, please see some of the scrumptious meals below;

Currently the VPC program is constructing a Coffee Trailer with the support of Evero Engineering, which will extend the VCP Café to the wider community.

Student Leadership

At Borinya, we encourage student voice, empowerment and involvement to guide their social, physical and academic program. The student leadership group is a conduit to which all students have a voice at Borinya.

Student leadership serves as a platform for personal growth, skill development, community engagement, and positive change, preparing students to become responsible and compassionate leaders in various aspects of life.
Some of the topics we will be exploring in our Student Leadership program include;

Personal Development: Student leadership provides opportunities for students to develop self-confidence, communication skills, time management, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence. These skills are valuable not only during one’s school years but also throughout life.

Empowerment: Student leaders are given the chance to voice their opinions, make decisions, and take ownership of projects and initiatives. This sense of empowerment encourages them to become more responsible and proactive in shaping their educational experiences.
Positive Influence: Student leadership helps foster a sense of belonging and unity among their peers leading to a more inclusive and supportive school environment. Student leaders will serve as role models to their peers.
Skill Development: Student leadership provides opportunities to learn leadership skills, such as effective communication, teamwork, conflict resolution, and adaptability.

Voice and Representation: Student leaders represent the interests, concerns, and needs of their peers to school administration and staff.

Initiative and Innovation: Student leaders often initiate and lead projects that address important issues within the school community.

Preparation for Future Roles: Engaging in student leadership prepares individuals for future leadership roles in professional, civic, and community settings.

Back row left to right: Sophie Cleal, George Fisher, Tanu Nu’u, Ruby Holland, Josh Hartwig, Jason Fisher.
Bottom row left to right: Dylan Graham, Lucas Ryder, Cayden Jackson

Sustainability at Borinya

Borinya’s sustainability project centres around the Mullinmur Wetlands adjacent to the school. Our unique environmental education program uses hands-on learning activities to develop student understanding of biodiversity and wetland ecosystems. We have a strong commitment to community-based approaches to environmental challenges and through our work we hope to build resilience and optimism in our students and an ethos of environmental stewardship.

Together with RCOW, NECMA and Wangaratta Landcare & Sustainability Network the committee plans and carries out projects to improve the wetland habitat, water quality and surrounding vegetation. Students are also involved in projects to improve the public amenity of the area. To date some of these projects include installation, maintenance and monitoring of nesting boxes. Creating and installing fish habitats such as Cod hotels and LUNKERS. Annual revegetation works both on land and in the water.

Staff and students have also designed and built a fire pit and seating area and assisted in the upkeep of an education hub that is used by local schools and community groups.