Never see a need without doing something about it.
Meet Our Staff
Leadership Team
Eamonn Buckley
Josh Hartwig
Senior Leader Pastoral Care & Wellbeing (Teacher)
Kim Saunders
Business Manager
Teacher Team and Specialities
Alison Adamo
Numeracy Coordinator
Liz Carroll
Literacy Coordinator
Lori Challman
Shannon Cullen
VPC/VCAL Coordinator
Anita Hamilton
VET Hairdressing
Mark Walsh
Leif Sallows
ICT Administrator
Hedge Thompson
Education Support Team
Samantha Brendel
Learning Diversity Coordinator
Taya Ross
Ed Day
Janine McLaurin
Tanu Nu’U
Administration and Finance Team
Leanne Holland
Careers & Pathways Coordinator
Laura Balfour
Reception & Student Services
Kathy Panther
Finance & HR
Advisory Council
The Borinya Wangaratta Community Partnership Advisory Council is the leading consultative and advisory group for the Principal, as an active forum for parent and community participation, providing support and advice principally in strategic planning and school improvement.
The following people are members of the Advisory Council: